Friday, August 04, 2006

Meebo Me

NOTE: the MeeboMe widget has been removed from this post and inserted permanently into the right-column at the top of each page. (8/9/06)

Meebo is a web-based IM that I've been using off and on for the past several months. Just a couple of days ago they came out with this cool item... Meebo Me! It puts an IM window into any web page. This blog post is sort of a test to see if it works well here. Go ahead and send me a message if it says that I am online.

Also, I have added this as a permanent fixture in the sidebar at Desire2Blog (thus the name on the window of Desire2Chat). This has many possibilities and we're already looking at using it as an easy way to provide support to students from our Virtual Campus Center. Maybe a widget in D2L? It should work...I'll be checking that out.

BTW...if you start a chat in the window above, other people viewing the site cannot see it. They will have a blank window and could start a chat of their own, but each session is 1-2-1 and not shared. I think they are working on a group chat widget as well.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

check out