Monday, December 18, 2006

My Top 12 Web Tools of 2006 - Number 9

I started using Bloglines in February 2006. I now use it to track the 92 different blog feeds that I follow on a regular basis. A couple of months ago I was just about ready to find a new aggregator when Bloglines upgraded their service. The improved functionality was enough to keep me around. Some people think that there are better aggregators out there, but I’m very comfortable with Bloglines and am no longer feeling any pressing need to switch.

Many people are switching to newer web RSS readers like Rojo, Google Reader, Attensa, and Netvibes.

The public listing of the feeds I read:

From their website: What is Bloglines?
“Bloglines is a FREE online service that helps you subscribe to and manage lots of web information, such as news feeds, weblogs and audio. Bloglines tracks the information you're interested in, retrieves new stuff as it happens, and organizes everything for you on your own personal web news page.”

How Does Bloglines Work?
“Bloglines is a "news aggregator." Many online information sources, including web sites, weblogs and news services, now broadcast their content to the web in so-called "syndicated feeds" or "news feeds" with new technologies like Really Simple Syndication (RSS) and ATOM. News aggregator software and services collect those syndicated feeds and present them to end users in a variety of ways. (snip) After you join Bloglines you simply search for the content you are interested in and identify the feeds you want to track. Once you "subscribe" to those feeds (a single-click maneuver in most cases), Bloglines will constantly check those feeds for changes or additions and direct new information onto your Bloglines personal page.”

Here's some useful stuff:

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