David Warlick was the opening keynote today at the
Minnesota e-Learning Summit at Augsburg College. I've been a fan of his blog for the past six months and was very much looking forward to hearing him speak. I was curious about whether his presentation style was as compelling as his writing style. I was absolutely not disappointed (which I guess is my own convoluted way of saying he was terrific).
His first presentation was about our need to redefine literacy for the 21st century. In particular, he says that reading needs to be expanded into exposing the truth or exposing knowledge, and that arithmetic is expanding into employing information, and writing is expanding into expressing ideas compellingly.
His second session was all about Web 2.0. Warlick does a great job because he doesn't just talk to (or at) his audience, he demonstrates the applications and he involves the audience in ways that they will remember long after the session ends. I was hoping to be blogging during his session but there is no wireless available in the Augsburg Chapel (when are these churches going to enter the 21st century? sheesh!) I guess you could say I am blogging during the session since I am writing this in the Firefox extension called
Performancing, but I have to wait until I get to the hotel to post it.
I spoke briefly with David after the second session. Since I like to make similar presentations about Web 2.0 I was comparing what he does with what I do (and believe me, he is better). It is particularly troubling to me that the most important tool of all is the hardest to make look easy and yet still show the power that it has. I'm speaking of RSS. I'm going to take my best shot at putting together some presentation materials that demonstrate RSS without scaring away the non-geeks.
I thought the first day of the Summit was terrific, and I'm the most critical person I know.
Tags: Warlick redefine literacy blogging session